OSPF Protocol implementing Dijkstra’s AlgorithmRouter works on third layer of our OSI model. OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a routing protocol. When data move across multiple…Jun 14, 2022Jun 14, 2022
MongoDB Aggregation Framework with Mapper-Reducer ProgramMongoDB is the first database which comes to mind when we have work on unstructured data and manipulate the shape of data quickly and…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Configuring Apache webserver and Haproxy using ansible Roles on AWS.Hello everyone…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Creating Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Cluster on AWS, Azure, and GCP cloudMulti-cloud Kubernetes is the deployment of Kubernetes over multiple cloud services and providers. Kubernetes can also be a way for…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Configure Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible and Deploy WordPress applicationHello Connections,Jun 12, 2022Jun 12, 2022
Published inAWS TipFlask + Serverless — API in AWS Lambda the easy wayIf you either need to quickly deploy a small API or just decided to migrate your codebase to leverage the advantages of AWS Lambda, you…May 2, 2022May 2, 2022
Configuring the Database on RDS and connecting it to WordPress in AWSWhat is RDS in AWS?Jan 13, 2022Jan 13, 2022
Industry use case of MongoDB :MongoDB is one of the newest competitors in the field of Data Storage. Still, it has become very popular with its document-oriented NoSQL…Sep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021
Industry use case of Jenkins :D4Science Amps Up Their Scientific Research Platform With CI/CD Powered By JenkinsSep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021
Case study on neural networks:You all know that in this era of technology some technologies like Data Science, Machine learning ,Deep Learning,etc are emerging as…Sep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021
K Means clustering use case in security domainK-means clustering is one of the simplest and popular unsupervised machine learning algorithms.Aug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021
Video chat live streaming using OpenCV and socket programmingHello friends!!😊Jun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021