Configuring Apache webserver and Haproxy using ansible Roles on AWS.

Hello everyone…
Here in this project we will configure the webserver and reverse proxy using apache Haproxy using ansible Roles and will also automatically update the configuration file of haproxy behind the scene over AWS.
To get more information regarding Apache webserver, Haproxy, ansible ,etc do read my below blog.It will give you more insights regarding this project.
“Configuring the reverse proxy for Apache webserver using Ansible” by Jyotisp
Task 12.2: Here we will see how we can perform the same setup on AWS:
for setting up the same setup on AWS just in inventory add the IPs of the AWS instances that we will configure .
Rest all setup for the haproxy, webserver remains the same as shown in my above blog.
Step 1: Launch AWS Instances
I have launched 4 instances (3 instances for Backend Server, 1 for LoadBalancer )

2. Inventory file

Please refer my previous blog for next steps.
Thanks !!