Task 14.2 and 14.3
Hello connections !!
To get to know about ansible , webservers, etc. Kindly read my previous blogs on ansible:
Task 14.2: Ansible playbook that will retrieve new Container IP and update the inventory so that further Configuration of Webserver could be done inside that.
Step 1: Python3 should be installed on your controller node in order to install an ansible.
In my case, python3 is already installed. we can check its version by using the command:
python3 --version
Step 2: Now, let’s install ansible using the command:
pip3 install ansible
Step 3: Initially the inventory file is empty
vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
Step 4: Ansible Playbook for container setup and auto-updating of the inventory file
vim docker.yml- hosts: localhost
- name: container
prompt: "Container Name"
private: no
- name: Creating Docker Repository
name: docker
baseurl: https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/7/x86_64/stable
gpgcheck: no
description: Docker Repo
- name: install docker
command: "docker"
register: d_s
failed_when: false
- name: Installing Docker
command: yum install docker-ce -y --nobest
when: d_s.rc != 0
warn: no
- name: Starting Docker
name: docker
state: started
- name: Installing file for ansible and docker integration
name: docker-py
state: present
- name: Pull httpd image
name: httpd
source: pull
- name: copy webpage
src: index.html
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
- name: Start httpd Container
name : "{{ container }}"
image: httpd
state: started
volumes: "/var/www/html/:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/"
- 7000:81
register: docker_info
- debug:
var: docker_info.container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress
- name: "Updating in inventory"
src: "nodeips.txt"
dest: "/root/main.txt"
Let’s check the index.html file
Step 5: Now let’s check the code is correct or not.
ansible-playbook --syntax-check docker.yml
Step 6: let’s Run the Playbooks
First, let’s set up the container and set up the inventory file
ansible-playbook docker.yml

Step 7: Inventory file is dynamically updated

Step 8: Now let’s see Docker Service started and enabled in the system
systemctl status docker
Here I have used some modules of Ansible which are as follows:
yum_repository ( For creating Docker Repo in Yum Configuration file in our Slave Node
Package: For installing the docker software),
service ( For starting the Service of Docker),
pip (To install the Docker Python),
docker_image ( For downloading the docker image from the Docker Hub),
copy (To copy my web page from Master (controller) to Slave(Target),
docker_container (For starting the docker webserver container).
Step 9: Let us see the output using the curl command
Step 9: Let’s use the docker ps command to see it is launch or not.
Hence, we have successfully completed the task.
Task 14.3: Create an Ansible Playbook which will dynamically load the variable file named same as OS_name and just by using the variable names we can Configure our target node.
(Note: No need to use when keyword here.)
STEP 1:-
Create a Folder of any Name in my case folder name is “webserver”.

STEP 2:-
Create file of any name in webserver folder.

STEP 3:-
Create ansible host file from any location:-

STEP 4:-
Configure your ansible configuration file that is /etc/ansible.cfg

💥NOTE:- Give Location of your Ansible host file :-
STEP 5:-
Content in /etc/ansible/hosts file.

STEP 6:-
Content in file os.yml

STEP 7:-
Create two more in folder webserver.

💥NOTE :- Both the name of file are same those i given above
STEP 8:-
Content of file RedHat.yml

STEP 9:-
Content in file Ubuntu.yml

STEP 10:-
Use Redhat and Ubuntu OS
This is my Redhat OS that is running in my local VM

STEP 11:-
Run the ansible playbook(os.yml) by using command “ansible-playbook os.yml”

STEP 12:-
Use Ubuntu Instance Public IP in browser

This shows Webserver in Ubuntu OS is Ready!!✅
STEP 13:-
Use RedHat vm IP in browser

Thanks for Reading the article !!! 🙌🏻
Hope you might find this article helpful!!!!